It was so nice to see her and hang out with her last night. Her apartment is super comfortable and it just feels more like home. She took us to Red Square to see it lit up at night and Christ the Savior Cathedral. Then we went to the underground mall by Red Square at ate at a Pizza place that was awesome. We just got to chat about stuff in Russia and stuff at home. It was a great day!
Friday we got to sleep in which was really nice. My parents and my friend left to go see the city. I waited for my driver and translator to come pick me up to go to the 8 doctor medical exam. That was an experience! I wasn't really nervous about it but I just didn't know what to expect. It was a piece of cake and they basically just asked me questions but it just took a long time - about 5 hours. We went into a large room with a conference table and just waited for the doctors to come in when they had a break from their regular patients. There was a screen and a exam bed in the corner that I had to take my shirt and shoes off for the dermatologist and the general practitioner. The dermatologist told me I had dry skin - really? Of course I do! I'm in Russia in the dead of winter!
I met another CSS family while I was there and it was great to be able to chat with them while we were waiting. There were also 2 families from Ireland there too. Since there were 4 families that had to be seen, it just took longer I think.
I was starving by the time I met up with my parents on Arbat street so I had to stop at McDonalds and grab a hamburger. We shopped a little bit on Arbat street and then headed back to my friend's apartment. We stopped by a mall on the way to eat and I had Blinis - yum! We packed up our stuff to be ready to go to the airport at 3 am - fun!
Here are a couple of pictures from our last 2 days in Moscow:
We're going to be heading to Russia in the next month for our adoption and were wondering where you had your 8 doctor medical done? My email is I would love any information you had RE the medical, cost, what they did etc. Thanks so much!