Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Bad

My mom, sister, and I are keeping a list of all the stupid things we do while we're here. So far, I only have one. I won't tell you who has the most, but it's a pretty easy guess :)

Here is my one stupid thing. I accidently bought caviar flavored chips. I just saw the Lays label and grabbed them - i didn't look at the picture. The best part was that my sister ate some of them before we figured it out.


  1. Be careful! There are crab-flavored ones, too!
    I SO recognize that chair! Gotta love that hotel and it's tiny, clanky elevator.
    GLAD GLAD GLAD for you that court went well in the end. Sorry it was so long, but I'm glad the judge said YES!

  2. YES we tried the crab and caviar ones too!! The first few actually tasted good to me.....then pretty much turned my stomach. Won't be buying any more of those ;-)

  3. My husband got the crab flavored ones and opened the bag in the van while we were driving 3 hours to the Children's Home to see the kids and the van smelled like crab the whole way.

  4. We got those too, on accident :)

  5. We had the meat flavored Lays in Krasnoyarsk. . .and plum flavored skittles Yech!!
