So I've been a really bad blogger. I've been reading a lot of blogs though and I'm very excited for those of you that have traveled recently or just got their travel dates - congratulations! But.... I've had nothing to report for myself so I've been having a little pity party and just waiting, and trying very hard to be patient.
My agency says I should hear something in February about a referral and I was getting a little discouraged about it this weekend until I realized that February is only a week away! So I might (hopefully and with fingers crossed) have more exciting news to share in the near future!
I've been keeping busy though with snowblowing my driveway (seriously - I'm ready to be done), trying to stay warm in the sub-zero temps, and trying not to buy things for a child that I don't have a clue on the gender or age. I did give in a little bit though and started making a quilt that is pretty gender neutral. I used some Amy Butler fabric that I absolutely love! Right now I am hand quilting it - not because I wanted to though. The minky fabric on the back kept getting sucked into my sewing maching so I finally gave up and decided to hand stitch it. I'm almost done with that and then I just have to put the binding on it. I'll post pictures of it soon.
7 years ago