Not so sure about this hair cutting business....
Norah is a constant talker! Oh my goodness - 8:00 pm rolls around and I am ready for a break from the constant chatter. She's even starting to call me mom instead of mommy - I have no idea where that came from! Way to early for that! I hear "mommy, mom, mommy, mooooommmyyyy!" over and over again all day! Her words are getting much more clear and she's adding new words everyday. She's starting to get frustrated when I don't understand what she's telling me. I try to change the subject or just say "oh, ok" but she's not having it. I usually figure it out after a few minutes though. Some of the things she says are so cute though: she pronounces applesauce so clearly. When she does something new she will say " i did it" and she says help-a-me and updown instead of just saying up or down (this is probably from me muttering it with the constant picking up and letting her down.
It's been so nice to be able to play outside again. When it was first starting to get warmer and we would go outside to play she would just walk around in a circle saying "outside, outside" like she had never been before. Now it's a struggle to get her to come in. She will wake up from a nap and the first thing out of her mouth is "outside" with a huge smile, and oh the tears if we can't go out!
This girl is a cleaning fool! She loves to clean. We have to take turns vacuuming and she is always picking up pieces of lint or who-knows-what and putting it in the trash. Most kids like playing with toys in the tub but Norah loves to wash down the sides of the tub with a washcloth!
Her birthday is coming up next Friday and she is so excited. I will ask her who's birthday is coming up and she will throw her hands in the air and yell "meeeee!" She's working on making the 2 with her fingers -she's actually pretty good at it. She is always singing happy birthday. I can't wait to see her face when everyone is singing it to her! I know she will love it!
Nothing but class....
Riding on a carousel is serious business
Whipping up a little breakfast