Wow, I can't belive it's almost been a month since I wrote! I've been slowly plugging along with all my paperwork. I finished both homestudy meetings and just waiting for my homestudy to be finished so I can send it off to USCIS.
I've been trying to get some paperwork done and I actually have most it completed which worries me a little. So far all the paperwork has been fairly easy and I've heard such horror stories about it that I feel like I must be missing something! I'm sure I'll look back on this post and laugh and say, "oh, if I only knew," but for right now I haven't had any trouble. It could be that I live 5 minutes from any of the state offices that I need to go to (which is very nice). I know there will be a ton of last minute paperwork to do so I guess it's good that it's fairly easy right now.
My Church had a women's breakfast and I was one of the speakers. I talked about the adoption process and how I came to choose adoption. I, of course, cried through the entire thing! I'm not really all that emotional but for some reason when I speak like that I always end up crying - it must be my nerves. Anyway, my Church family has been so supportive of me and even donated the proceeds from the breakfast to my adoption fund! How awesome is that! They are also helping me plan a couple of fundraisers. I'm so thankful to be a part of such an awesome community that is so supportive!
7 years ago